Monthly Archives: October 2016

Ad Blocking Update


Ad blocking is a rising trend  and over the last year (in particular) the conversation around ad blocking has increased significantly. That is largely due to the fact that ad blocking has moved away from a fringe practice, adopted by only tech-savvy individuals, to the mainstream, where it is easily accessible and readily adopted. What do marketers need to know about ad blocking in order to ensure that marketing efforts and, equally importantly, their ad spend are not wasted?

Drinking Lemon Water


Lemon water is packed with a variety of health benefits and is extremely easy to make, making it a great choice for beginners. Lemon water aids with digestion, and may even help with weight loss. On top of that, it’s loaded with vitamin C, a beneficial antioxidant, as well as vitamin B6, folate, thiamin, fiber and vitamin E. Start drinking lemon water today!